Hi Manuel, After the great success of the previous BBQs, I am thinking of holding a 6m BBQ (if there is sufficient interest) on Saturday 6th August 2011 in Farnborough, Hampshire UK - so make a note in your diary!

[Click on the picture for the GIANT version].
There will be plenty of food and drink, lots of 6m guys to talk to and argue with and XYLs are positively encouraged! I hope that we will see an even better turn out of non-UK 6m enthusiasts. For those wanting to stay over on Friday night, we will get everyone into the same hotel (The Falcon as in 2007) and organise another great 6m dinner for the Friday evening.
There will be several interesting talks to help pass the long hot summer day...
The cost of the BBQ is not yet known but will be around 30 UK POnds and will need to be paid in advance of the event.
I know it's a long way off, but if you are interested in attending PLEASE send me an email. If I don't don't hear from you I could assume there is no interest and cancel as I had to do in 2010!73 Chris G3WOS - chris@gare.co.uk
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