domingo, 31 de julio de 2011

ARISSat-1 - Horario de desplazamiento

Submitted by: Alex Glinski, VK5ALX, Australia
Acquired: 2011-07-31 10:50:00

En la manana de hoy, en el pase de las 10:18 HLV / 14:48 GMT se escucho aca en Anaco en FJ79sk con una señal 5 9 en 437.550 MHz,  una voz de mujer identificando RS01S a ARISSat-1 adentro de la Estacion Espacial Internacional. Para esta
hora estaba planificado que las pruebas terminarían.

El desplazamiento del satelite ARISSat-1 se efectuara el Miercoles 3 de Agosto y seran transmitidos por NASA TELEVISION. Me comprometo a publicar el video en esta pagina y en el BLOG del Radio Club Venezolano / Anaco, Y en el del grupo YV-SAT


Miercoles 3 de Agosto de 2011 desde las 14 horas UTC

14:30 UTC - Se abren las compuertas

14:46 UTC - Sacan ARISSat-1 de la ISS y la aseguran a las escaleras

14:52 UTC - Remueven las cubiertas de los paneles solares

15:07 UTC - Llevan a ARISSat-1 a su sitio de desplazamiento. Activan los interruptores de potencia y cronologicos 1 y 2 

y LANZAN A ARISSat-1 al espacio

73 de Manuel YV5MM

Se utilizo un Radio Kenwood TS 2000 X y una antena ELK 2M/440 L

Rotores azmimutal y de elevación
15 mts de altura
GRUPO YV-SAT ** Enseñanza Satelital
P.O. Box # 73 & 88
Anaco 6003, Anzoátegui, Venezuela
Copyright © 2011 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Fundado el 26 de Diciembre de 2009 -

viernes, 15 de julio de 2011


Muy buenas tardes a todos los colegas radioaficionados

Durante una teleconferencia internacional de ARISS, Sergey Samburov  RV3DR  indica que el Satélite ARISSat-1, actualmente abordo de la ISS, tendrá cargadas sus baterías para fin del mes de Julio de 2011.

Según Samburov las pruebas serán relizadas con el Satélite abordo de la ISS, caso de algún ajuste necesario, iniciándose a las 19:15 UTC del 30 de Julio de 2011 hasta las 12:00 o 14:00 UTC del 31 de Julio de 2011.

El satélite transmitirá en la frecuencia de 437.550 MHz. Ya publicamos la tabla de frecuencia, pero en correo aparte se repetirá para que aquellos que no la observaron, la guarden como referencia por la diversidad de frecuencias y modos.

Estamos atentos para el desplazamiento de éste nuevo satélite desde la ISS que será en Agosto de 2011.

73 de Manuel YV5MM.




ARISSat-1/KEDR Deployment Timeline
Driven by ISS Schedules

 ARISSat-1/KEDR On Air Test Begins July 30

During the July 13, 2011 International ARISS teleconference Sergey Samburov, RV3DR announced that the ARISSat-1/KEDR battery will be charged in late July. A test of the system will be conducted on the ISS from 1915 UTC July 30 to about 1200-1400 UTC July 31. The standard ARISSat-1/KEDR 2m downlink band plan should be transmitted. The satellite FM signal will also be downlinked on 437.55 MHz.

During the test ARISSat-1/KEDR will be in LOW power mode, this means that it will transmit about 40 seconds and then shut down for 2 minutes and then transmit for 40 seconds. The linear transponder mode will be activated once the satellite is deployed.

ARISSat-1/KEDR Project Manager Gould Smith, WA4SXM said the preparation procedures include the battery being charged and assembled into the satellite. Gould, along with ARISS Hardware Engineer Lou McFadin, W5DID participated in an earlier teleconference call with NASA to review the Roscosmos EVA procedures for the release of ARISSat-1/KEDR during Russian EVA 29. The procedures to remove the protective quilts from the solar cells and turning on the safety switches prior to deployment were reviewed during this call.

EVA for ARISSat-1/KEDR Deployment Planned for August 3

Gould summarized, "As of July 16 we are looking at an August 3, 2011 date for EVA 29 and the ARISSat-1/KEDR deployment, subject to change due to ISS schedules. During our review we noted the ARISSat/KEDR deployment is the first task of the EVA, so it will occur fairly soon after the EVA begins. We will let everyone know more as we know more."

145.950 MHz FM Downlink
FM transmissions will cycle between a voice ID as RS01S, select telemetry values, 24 international greeting messages in 15 languages and SSTV images. One of the messages will be a conversation between Yuri Gagarin and ground control.

435 MHz - 145 MHz Linear Transponder
The linear transponder will operate in Mode U/V (70 cm Up, 2m Down). It is an 16 KHz wide inverting passband and the convention will be to TX LSB on the 435 MHz uplink and RX USB on the 145 MHz downlink. This mode is designed to work with low power transmitters and omni antenna.

145.919 MHz/145.939 MHz CW Beacons
The CW transmissions will be callsign ID RS01S, select telemetry, and callsigns of people actively involved with the ARISS program.

145.920 MHz SSB BPSK-1000 Telemetry
The BPSK transmissions will feature a new 1kBPSK protocol developed by Phil Karn, KA9Q to be readable in low signal level conditions. The BPSK data will transmit satellite telemetry. When the CW2 beacon on 145.919 MHz is active this indicates that the BPSK-1000 format is being transmitted. If the CW1 beacon on 145.939 MHz is active this indicates the backup of BPSK-400 format is being transmitted.

martes, 12 de julio de 2011

ARISSat-1 Project - Proyecto ARISSat-!

ARISSat-1 Project

The ARISSat-1 amateur radio experiment is on board the International Space Station. ARISSat-1 is awaiting the next EVA to be manually deployed. EVA 29 is currently scheduled for early August 2011. The satellite will be manually deployed and begin transmissions 15 minutes after the control panel switches are thrown.  NASA television is expected to broadcast this EVA and satellite release.

lunes, 4 de julio de 2011


AMSAT N.A. está en el proyecto de construcción del nuevo satélite FOX, que estaría en orbita para el año 2013.

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